Saturday 14 July 2007

My Little Babies

These are my cute babies Lia and Ude when Lia was few monthes old and Ude was 2 plus.


  1. Salam mak teh ni saya kunjung balas kehadhiran mu di my daily happenings.

    Cute babies:)

  2. so cute that Ude has curly hair! my children all have straight hair and when they were small the hair was soo spiky!

  3. mak teh, apa yang surprisenya? maklang tak jumpa laa..

  4. kak elle, terima kasih atas kunjung balasmu. Baru belajar post photos,he,he. Cute babies tu dah besar sekarang tak cute lagi!

    OO, both ude and lia are the opposite lia's hair very straight, uder had goldilocks curls.

    mak lang, surprise tu sebab mak teh baru pandai post gambarlah, he,he.
